BumbleB is an English language school located in Tokyo | Setagaya | Yoga
We provide onsite and online lessons to students worldwide!

BumbleB is an English language school located in Tokyo | Setagaya | Yoga
We provide onsite and online lessons to students worldwide!
Although the country has lost its ranking to competitors in many fields lately, Japan can be proud to proclaim that their citizens are No 1 in the world for being able to travel the world with the least amount of hassle. According to the latest Henley & Partner’s Passport Index Report, Japan is ranked #1 in the world, for allowing its citizens to travel to other countries without a prior visa.
Japanese passports holders can travel to 191 destinations across the world without applying for a visa ahead of travel. This ranking places them ahead of countries such as Singapore (190 destinations), South Korea (189), New Zealand and Switzerland, (185). The United States passport, a goal of many immigrants around the world, only allows access to 185 visa-free destinations. And though China is rapidly increasing its global impact on the world, its citizens can only enjoy access to 75 destinations without first applying for a visa.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Japanese citizens and other global travelers cannot enjoy their visa-free status, however, once travel restrictions are lifted, Japanese and fellow Asian travelers will benefit from the strength of their passports. In addition, the growing number of employees who work from home (WFH) will likely lead to the continued growth of the digital nomad. Today’s younger workers live and breathe on their mobile devices, and for many, they also do their work on laptops, notebooks, and phones. If one can work from their home in Saitama or Nagano, what’s to stop them from working in Malaysia, New Zealand, or Sweden?
Of course, living the life of a digital nomad is not suitable for everyone, but there may be a time where a proportion of a population decides to work abroad once or several times during their working career. Just as working holidays and taking a gap year have gained awareness, so shall the life of a digital nomad. And thanks to the ease of travel of the Japanese passport, a life abroad should be something to consider.
James brings language to life at BumbleB English with interactive lessons, empowering all ages to communicate confidently and think globally.